Home > SOFTAIL > FLSTF Body fat Boy
FLSTF Body fat Boy
Posted on 22 April 2012 by Geray Zone
FLSTF Body fat Boy
Proven with Genuine Motor Add-ons
“NEW” Exotic Fresh paint SEt - Extended taNk - GriNdEr -
Black BaSE With ScalloPS
95757-07BoN $4,750.00
“NEW” Edge cuStom WhEEl
42191-06 17” Front $1,135.00
“NEW” WhEEl iNStallatioN package
43851-07 25mm Axle, Front $69.00
“NEW” chromE loWEr FroNt Fork Slider mobile phones For Body fat Boy® modElS
48661-07 $299.95
“NEW” chromE hands coNtrol lEvEr package
45075-07 $69.95
“NEW” diamoNdBack® BraidEd clutch coNtrol caBlE
38810-07 $89.95
“NEW” oil lEvEl aNd tEmPEraturE diPStick With
liGhtEd lcd rEadout
62955-06 $134.95
“NEW” SidEkicktm Chair For Extended Gas tank -
GriNdEr PattErN
51311-07 $425.00
“NEW” claSSic chromE FroNt axlE Nut covErS
44117-07 $22.95
“NEW” iroNSidE collEctioN -
50968-07 Driver Footboard Place Package - Taken Wing Shape $219.95
50935-07 Footpegs $149.95
34720-07 Shifter Peg (2) $135.90
46959-07 Brake Pedal Pad - Large $86.95
“NEW” Edge BillEt SProckEt
37785-07 $359.00
“NEW” Edge cuStom WhEEl
41567-07 17” Rear $1,299.00
chromE uPPEr Fork SlidEr covErS
45963-97 $59.95
chromE Fork SlidEr draiN ScrEW package
45848-03 $4.00
chromE Fork axlE rEtaiNEr Nut package
45813-03 $7.95
chromE FroNt FENdEr hardWarE package
94415-05 $8.95
tEardroP FloatiNG BrakE rotorS
44367-00 Front $134.95
claSSic chromE caliPEr card inserts
44477-99 (2) $13.90
cuStom chromE caliPEr Bolt covEr package
40955-05 Front $24.95
chromE BrakE BlEEdEr ScrEW covErS
43834-98 $19.95
chromE-PlatEd BraSS valvE StEm caPS - FlutEd cyliNdEr With
“Bar & ShiEld” logo design
41149-98 $12.95
Smooth chromE Fork covEr package
66440-05 $99.95
chromE Fork covEr accENt StriP
67891-99 $24.95
ButtoN mind Fork tuBE caPS
46468-05 $34.95
viSor StylE hEadlamP trim riNG
69734-05 $38.95
BullEt turN SiGNal lENS package - obvious
69303-02 $37.95
domE BillEt StylE mirrorS
91519-99 $194.95
StrEEt SlammEr Bar With iNtEGratEd riSErS
56391-04 $259.00
chromE SWitch houSiNG package
70222-96B $123.95
chromE clutch BrackEt aNd maStEr cyliNdEr rESErvoir package
45355-06a $294.95
chromE FroNt turN SiGNal mouNt package
68266-03 $23.95
ailEroN hands GriPS
56425-02 $63.95
diamoNdBack® BraidEd idlE aNd throttlE caBlE package
56808-05 $84.95
diamoNdBack® BraidEd FroNt BrakE liNE
46689-06 Single Disc $129.95
FluSh mouNt FuEl GauGE aNd FuEl caP
62818-06B $198.95
Stainless BraidEd FuEl croSSovEr liNE
63692-00a $29.95
chromE hardWarE package
60801-06 Primary Cover $59.95
34856-06 Transmission $34.95
94058-03 Cam Cover $32.95
timEr covEr With “Bar & ShiEld” logo design
32492-04 $62.95
chromE BillEt clutch caBlE clamP
91147-02 $39.95
claSSic chromE rockEr Box Bolt covErS
2007 FLSTF Body fat Boy®
Proven with Genuine Motor Add-ons
43868-99 (2 sets) $16.95
FiNNEd hEadBolt BridGE - Black
43859-00 $45.95
BuckShot rEar BrakE lEvEr
42677-05 $174.95
BuckShot hEEl/foot Change lEvEr
34558-05 $156.95
PoliShEd Stainless GEar Change liNkaGE - BuckShot
33807-05 $164.95
Taken WiNG driver FootBoard PaN
50683-04 Right $54.00
50688-04 Left $54.00
PoliShEd Stainless FootPEG mouNtiNG package
42679-01 $12.95
SWiNGarm Pivot axlE package
47119-02 $89.95
chromE SWiNGarm For SoFtail® modElS
48607-06 $549.95
“harlEy-davidSoN®” ScriPt rEar SWiNGarm axlE covEr package
41661-06 $189.95
ProFilE® loW rEar SuSPENSioN - chromE
54652-05 $284.95
chromE caliPEr Bolt covEr package
40959-05 Rear $20.95
tEardroP FloatiNG BrakE rotorS
44368-00 Rear $134.95
layBack licENSE PlatE mouNtiNG package
59817-00a $37.95
Category Article SOFTAIL
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