2012 harley
Posted on 23 April 2012 by Geray Zone
FLHR Road King
Accessories PART NO.
"NEW" California Kid Fresh fresh paint Set - Black with World Grey to Silver Fade Flames and Blue Pinstriping, Number of Nine 94493
Gloss Black Lower Fork Slider Kit 46546-03
Gloss Black Upper Fork Slider Covers 45591-02
Chrome Fork Slider Drain Screw Kit 45848-03
Chrome Fork Axle Retainer Nut Kit 45813-03
Classic Chrome Front Axle Nut Cover Kit 43061-04
Brake Bleeder Screw Cover 43834-98
Profile® Low Front-finish Lowering Kit 54599-02
Classic Chrome Caliper Place - (3 needed)44477-99
Classic Chrome Caliper Bolt Cover Package - (2)43824-03
ABS Valve Stem Caps with Skull Logo 41171-03
Touring Elite II Blackwall Tire - 16" Front Dunlop® Harley-Davidson® Tire Series 43022-91A
Black Slotted Six-Spoke Custom Wheel - 16" Front - Black 43921-02
Vivid Black Floating Brake Rotors - Front (2)44358-00
Smoked Wind Deflector for Road King® Models 58163-02
Gloss Black Nacelle and Handlebar Cover Kit 46547-03
Gloss Black Headlamp Trim Ring 46555-03
Custom Touring Front Bullet Turn Signal Kit 69577-06
Turn Signal Lens Package - Smoked, Bullet 69304-02
Chrome Clutch Cable Clamp 38792-05
Gloss Black Engine Guard Kit 46549-03
Chrome Hardware Package
Lifter Block 94068-03
Cam Cover 94058-03
Rocker Box 94059-03
Finned Headbolt Bridge - Black 43859-00
Polished Stainless Gear Change Linkage - Flame 33840-02
Flame Shifter Peg - (2)34617-03
Flame Brake Pedal Pad - Large 42554-03
Flame Driver Footboard Place Package - Traditional Shape 50295-02
Reduced Achieve Passenger Footboard Mounting Kit 50789-99A
Flame Passenger Footboard Place Package - Traditional Shape 50310-02
Chrome Passenger Footboard Covers 50782-91
Screamin' Eagle® Road King® Low-Profile Leather Seat 52398-07
Detachable Passenger Sissy Bar Upright - Short 52395-04
Short Passenger Backrest Pad - Screamin' Eagle® Road King® Compact Style 52408-07
Sissy Bar Upright or Solo Tour-Pak® Rack Detachable Docking Hardware Kit 53803-06
Saddlebag Support Kit 46565-04
Black Slotted Six-Spoke Custom Wheel - 16" Rear 43933-02
Vivid Black Floating Brake Rotors - Rear 44357-00
Touring Elite II Blackwall Tire - 16" Rear - Dunlop® Harley-Davidson® Series 43102-91B
Flame Billet Saddlebag Latch Kit 90690-04
Bullet Rear Turn Signal Bar and License Plate Moving Kit 53702-04
Profile® Low Touring Shocks 54631-02B
“NEW” CaliforNia Kid Fresh paint SEt - BlaCK With Universe Gray to
SilvEr fadE flamES aNd BluE Pinstriping, Group of NiNE
94493 $2,750.00
GloSS BlaCK loWEr forK SlidEr Package
46546-03 $249.95
GloSS BlaCK uPPEr forK SlidEr CovErS
45591-02 $49.95
ChromE forK SlidEr draiN SCrEW Package
45848-03 $4.00
ChromE forK axlE rEtaiNEr Nut Package
45813-03 $7.95
ClaSSiC ChromE froNt axlE Nut CovEr Package
43061-04 $36.95
43834-98 $19.95
ProfilE® loW front-end loWEriNG Package
54599-02 $194.95
ClaSSiC ChromE CaliPEr place
44477-99 (3 needed) $20.85
ClaSSiC ChromE CaliPEr Bolt CovEr Package
43824-03 (2) $37.90
ChromE-PlatEd aBS valvE StEm CaPS With SKull logo design
41171-03 $7.45
touriNG ElitE ii BlaCKWall tirE - 16” froNt duNloP®
harlEy-davidSoN® tirE SEriES
43022-91a $120.95
BlaCK SlottEd Six-SPoKE CuStom WhEEl
43921-02 16” Front - Black $394.95
vivid BlaCK floatiNG BraKE rotorS
44358-00 Front (2) $239.90
SmoKEd WiNd dEflECtor for road KiNG® modElS
58163-02 $284.95
GloSS BlaCK NaCEllE aNd haNdlEBar CovEr Package
46547-03 $259.95
GloSS BlaCK hEadlamP trim riNG
46555-03 $27.95
CuStom touriNG froNt BullEt turN SiGNal Package
69577-06 $149.95
turN SiGNal lENS Package - SmoKEd, BullEt
69304-02 $37.95
ChromE ClutCh CaBlE ClamP
38792-05 $28.95
GloSS BlaCK ENGiNE Guard Package
46549-03 $199.95
2007 FLHR Road King®
Proven with Genuine Motor Add-ons
“NEW” ChromE hands CoNtrol Package
- Chrome Clutch Bracket And Master Cylinder Reservoir Package
- Chrome Hands Control Lever Package
- Chrome Switch Housing Package
- Chrome Switch Cap Package
56862-07 $519.95
touriNG froNt loWEriNG Package
54614-05 $99.95
ChromE front-end PaCKaGE
46335-04 $440.80
ClaSSiC ChromE BraKE CaliPEr card inserts
44477-99 (3) $20.85
ChromE froNt fENdEr SKirt
59228-91 $45.95
rouNd alumiNator® BillEt StylE mirrorS
91529-99 $207.95
ClaSSiC ChromE timEr CovEr
32679-99a $18.95
h.o.G.® CollECtioN
34662-04 Shifter Pegs (2) $59.90
50367-04 Hands Grips $79.95
42488-04 Brake Pedal Pad $31.95
50726-04 Footboard Card inserts, Driver $94.95
50723-04 Footboard Card inserts, Passenger $84.95
PoliShEd Stainless GEar Change liNKaGE - rouNd
33814-98a $86.95
SuNdoWNErtm dEEP BuCKEt Chair - PlaiN
51726-05 $299.95
ridEr’S Necessities Package
- Removable Passenger Sissy Bar Upright
- Road King® Top Stitch Passenger Backrest Pad
- Removable Docking Hardware Package
- Luggage Rack for Removable Passenger Sissy Bar Upright
- Breathable Storage Cover
96355-07 $571.75
touriNG removable doCKiNG hardWarE Package
53804-06 Rear $54.95
ChromE PaSSENGEr footBoard CovErS
50782-91 $57.95
ProfilE® loW touriNG ShoCKS
54631-02B $275.95
Proven on left Proven on right
ChromE fuEl mouNtiNG taNK hardWarE Package
62920-00a $34.95
domE BillEt StylE mirrorS
91519-99 $194.95
flamE hands GriPS
56518-02 $79.95
body fat haNdlEBar Package for road KiNG® modElS
56675-05 $199.00
riSEr Package
56789-05 $119.95
SWitCh WirE ExtENSioN
72184-04 $39.95
froNt BraKE liNE Package
46026-05 $159.95
BraidEd Stainless ClutCh CaBlE Package
38660-03 $79.99
BraidEd Stainless throttlE aNd idlE CaBlE
56616-03 $135.95
ChromE throttlE CaBlE CliP
91274-04 $29.95
ChromE CuStom CoNSolE for road KiNG® modElS
71306-04 $259.95
ChromE current rEGulator CovEr
74543-00 $35.90
ClaSSiC ChromE domEd timEr CovEr
32679-99a $18.95
ChromE hardWarE Package
94068-03 Lifter Block $20.95
94058-03 Cam Cover $32.95
94059-03 Rocker Box $34.95
fiNNEd hEadBolt BridGE - BlaCK
43859-00 $45.95
PoliShEd Stainless GEar Change liNKaGE - flamE
33840-02 $199.95
flamE ShiftEr PEG
34617-03 (2) $29.90
flamE BraKE PEdal Pad - larGE
42554-03 $31.95
flamE driver footBoard place Package - traditioNal ShaPE
50295-02 $94.95
rEduCEd achieve PaSSENGEr footBoard mouNtiNG Package
50789-99a $124.95
flamE PaSSENGEr footBoard place Package - traditioNal ShaPE
50310-02 $84.95
ChromE PaSSENGEr footBoard CovErS
50782-91 $57.95
SCrEamiN’ EaGlE® road KiNG® loW-ProfilE lEathEr Chair
52398-07 $399.95
removable PaSSENGEr SiSSy Bar uPriGht - Short
52395-04 $159.95
Short PaSSENGEr BaCKrESt Pad - SCrEamiN’ EaGlE®
road KiNG® ComPaCt StylE
52408-07 $189.95
SiSSy Bar uPriGht or Solo tour-PaK® raCK removable
doCKiNG hardWarE Package
53803-06 $41.95
SaddlEBaG SuPPort Package
46565-04 $119.95
BlaCK SlottEd Six-SPoKE CuStom WhEEl
43933-02 16” Rear $394.95
vivid BlaCK floatiNG BraKE rotorS
44357-00 Rear $119.95
touriNG ElitE ii BlaCKWall tirE - 16” rEar - duNloP®
harlEy-davidSoN® SEriES
43102-91B $141.95
flamE BillEt SaddlEBaG latCh Package
90690-04 $159.95
BullEt rEar turN SiGNal Bar aNd liCENSE PlatE moving Package
53702-04 $247.95
ProfilE® loW touriNG ShoCKS
54631-02B $275.95
Category Article touring
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